Saturday, February 28, 2009

testing one two three

Nothing happens in this video...

J swears once

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

itty-bitty worries

I went to work today thinking the camera I ordered last Thursday was going to be backordered or unavailable. You know how it is sometimes. You decide to make a purchase that is big enough to warrant some research, you do the research and think you've found exactly the right thing. Then you think, "Okay, this is what I'll buy after the next paycheck is in the bank." Then, the paycheck is in and you go to make the purchase and are told, "Sorry, that item is out-of-stock, discontinued, no-longer-available." You've missed your chance.
Well, I did the research and decided not to wait. "Strike while the iron is hot." Except that, when I went to check on the order 4 days later it had not been filled AND the item was now listed as out of stock AND the price had gone up 30-some dollars. So, wah, wah, poor me. I might not get my new toy.
Anyway, I got to work and before I had even called to check on my little problem word started circulating the office of 4 co-workers who were being laid off.
Nevermind any so-called corporate re-structuring and that bit. It seemed arbitrary and counter-productive and cast a bad feeling over the entire day. Made me feel somewhat shallow and self-centered, I must say.
The camera should be on its way to me within another week at the price I expected to pay but it seems considerably less important now.
Remind me to be thankful for my itty-bitty worries.

Monday, February 16, 2009

transmogrify me - 2

I used to tell people I looked a little like Sting.
Maybe not...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

transmogrify me - 1

this is longer than most will be able to endure.
I find it oddly hypnotic...
the music helps.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

good deed for the day

I park my car on the street about half a mile from my office so I don't have to pay for parking. I have recently been in the habit of not locking my car doors because the cold makes them difficult to unlock. (Did I mention my free parking spot is not far from one of the city's overnight shelters?) Yesterday when I got in my car at the end of the day the driver's seat was moved as far back as it would go and was reclined considerably more than I usually keep it. Nothing else was amiss so I readjusted the seat position and started her up to head home. I couldn't help chuckling to myself though, thinking my car must have seemed a convenient shelter from the cold for someone. My good deed for the day.